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World Labyrinth day, May 4, 2019, May all beings walk in peace!

 It's May 4, 2019, World Labyrinth Day.  Do you know where your Labyrinth is?  I know where mine is; I just have to go out into the parking lot and draw it.  I have chosen a totally modern asymmetric design.  I'm hoping my magic rocks gathered from glacial lakes in the Canadian Rockies will be the "seeds" for this matrix.  Can a modern asymmetric labyrinth be drawn in a parking lot with no tape measures?  I have everything I need for a hot California day.  I am so ready. :) First rock.  Looks good.  Holds down the paper too.  My first discovery with this matrix.  Maps and winds require a solution. Remember the most important principle of parking lot bending over if you don't absolutely need to.  Adjust rock position with the open end of your magic staff. Second rock.  Measure by your own body width (man is the measure of all things!) Make fine ad...

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